- ASTM B117 (Salt Spray Corrosion Test)
- ASTM D1078 (Distillation Range of Lacquer Solvents & Diluents)
- ASTM D1094 (Water Reaction Analysis)
- ASTM D1120 (Boiling Point of Engine Coolants)
- ASTM D1122 (Density or Relative Density of Engine Coolant Concentrates or Engine Coolants by Hydrometer)
- ASTM D1133 (Solubility of Organic Solvents, Kauri Butanol (KB) Number)
- ASTM D1160 (Distillation in Vacuum)
- ASTM D1169 (Specific Resistance of Electrical Insulating Fluids)
- ASTM D1177 (Freezing Point of Aqueous Engine Coolants)
- ASTM D1218 (Refractive Index)
- ASTM D1263 (Performance Characteristics of Automobile Wheel Bearing Grease)
- ASTM D1264 (Water Resistance of Grease)
- ASTM D127 (Melting Point of Grease & Petrolatum)
- ASTM D1275B (Determination of Corrosive Sulfur in Electrical Insulating Oils)
- ASTM D1287 (pH of Lubricants)
- ASTM D129M (Total Sulfur)
- ASTM D1293 (pH of water based samples)
- ASTM D1296 (Odor of Volatile Solvents/Diluents)
- ASTM D1298 (Density (API Gravity) by Hydrometer)
- ASTM D130 (Corrosion Copper Strip)
- ASTM D1310 (Flash Point – Tag Open Cup Tester)
- ASTM D1319 (FIA Analysis – Aromatics, Olefins & Saturates in Gas or Jet)
- ASTM D1322 (Smoke Point Analysis)
- ASTM D1331 (Surface Tension)
- ASTM D1353 (Non-Volatile Residue)
- ASTM D1401 (Water Separability)
- ASTM D1403 (Cone Penetration of Grease, 1/2 Scale, Worked and Unworked)
- ASTM D1404 (Deleterious Particles in Grease)
- ASTM D1475 (Density by Pycnometer)
- ASTM D1478 (Low Temperature Torque)
- ASTM D1500 (Color ASTM Analysis)
- ASTM D156 (Color Saybolt Analysis)
- ASTM D1654 (Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens)
- ASTM D1655 Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels
- ASTM D1662 (Active Sulfur)
- ASTM D1688M (Copper Content in Ethanol by ICP)
- ASTM D1722 (Water Miscibility of Water-Soluble Solvents)
- ASTM D1742 (Oil Separation of Grease)
- ASTM D1743 (Corrosion Prevention Properties of Grease – Bearing Rust Test)
- ASTM D1748 (Rust protection by Humidity Cabinet)
- ASTM D1796 (Water & Sediment in Fuel Oil)
- ASTM D1816 (Dielectric Strength @ Ambient Temperature)
- ASTM D1831 (Roll Stability of Lubricating Grease)
- ASTM D1840 (Naphthalenes Analysis)
- ASTM D187 (Burn Quality of Kerosene)
- ASTM D1903 (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion by Density Measurement
- ASTM D1935 (Steam Emulsion of Electrical Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin)
- ASTM D2008 (UV Absorptivity of Petroleum Products- UV-VIS)
- ASTM D2070 (Thermal Stability of Hydraulic Oils)
- ASTM D2112 (Oxidation Stability of Inhibited Mineral Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel)
- ASTM D2155 (Autoignition Temperature for Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluids)
- ASTM D2161 (Conversion of Kinematic Viscosity to Saybolt Universal Viscosity or to Saybolt Furol Viscosity)
- ASTM D217 (Cone Penetration of Grease)
- ASTM D2240 (Hardness Test)
- ASTM D2265 (Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range)
- ASTM D2266 (Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Grease – Four-Ball Method)
- ASTM D2270 (Viscosity Index)
- ASTM D2272A (Oxidation Stability of Steam Turbine Oils by Rotating Pressure Vessel – RPVOT)
- ASTM D2273 (Trace Sediment)
- ASTM D2274 (Oxidation Stability of Distillate Fuel Oil Accelerated Method)
- ASTM D2276 (Particulate Matter Jet)
- ASTM D235 (Doctor Test for Solvents)
- ASTM D2369 (Non-Volatile Residue)
- ASTM D2386 (Freeze Point of Aviation Fuels)
- ASTM D240 (BTU, Heat of Combustion)
- ASTM D2440 (Oxidation Stability of Mineral Oil)
- ASTM D2500 (Cloud Point of Petroleum Products)
- ASTM D2501 (Viscosity-Gravity Constant (VCG)
- ASTM D2509 (Timken OK Load-Carrying Capacity of Lubricating Grease -Timken Method)
- ASTM D2509 (Load-Carrying Capacity of Lubricating Grease, Single Load – Timken Method)
- ASTM D2532 (Viscosity Stability)
- ASTM D2595 (Evaporation Loss of Grease)
- ASTM D2603 (Sonic Shear Stability of Polymer Containing Oils)
- ASTM D2619 (Hydrolytic Stability)
- ASTM D2622 (Sulfur in Fuel by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Florescence)
- ASTM D2624 (Electrical Conductivity of Petroleum Products)
- ASTM D2699 (Octane Number – Research)
- ASTM D2700 (Octane Number – Motor)
- ASTM D2709 (Water & Sediment in Diesel & Biodiesel)
- ASTM D2711 (Demulsibility Characteristics)
- ASTM D2717 (Thermal Conductivity)
- ASTM D287 (Density (API Gravity) by Hydrometer)
- ASTM D2879 (Vapor Pressure by Isoteniscope)
- ASTM D2887 (Boiling Range Distribution by GC)
- ASTM D2896 (Total Base Number)
- ASTM D2974 (Moisture, Ash and Organic Matter)
- ASTM D2983 (Brookfield Viscosity)
- ASTM D3227 (Sulfur Analysis, Mercaptan)
- ASTM D3228 (Nitrogen)
- ASTM D323 (Reid Vapor Pressure)
- ASTM D3241 (Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Test (JFTOT))
- ASTM D3242 (Acidity in Aviation Turbine Fuel)
- ASTM D3278 (Flash Point by Small Scale Closed-Cup Apparatus)
- ASTM D3338 (BTU, Estimated Net Heat of Combustion in Aviation Fuels)
- ASTM D3343 (Hydrogen Content of Aviation Fuel)
- ASTM D3427 (Air Release Properties)
- ASTM D3455 (Compatibility with Insulating Oil)
- ASTM D3520 (GM Quenchometer)
- ASTM D3527 (Life Performance of Automobile Wheel Bearing Grease)
- ASTM D3606 (Benzene Analysis by GC)
- ASTM D381 (Gum Content)
- ASTM D3828 (Flash Point – Small Scale Closed Cup)
- ASTM D3948 (Micro Separometer Analysis – MSEP)
- ASTM D4006 (Water by Distillation in Crude Oil)
- ASTM D4007 (Water & Sediment (BS&W) in Crude Oil)
- ASTM D4048 (Copper Strip Corrosion, Grease)
- ASTM D4049 (Water Spray Resistance of Grease)
- ASTM D4052 (Density by Digital Density Meter)
- ASTM D4055 (Pentane Insolubles by Filtration)
- ASTM D4170 (Fretting Wear Protection)
- ASTM D4172A/B (Wear Preventive Characteristics of Lubricating Fluid – Four-Ball Method)
- ASTM D4176 (Appearance – Free Water & Particulate Contamination)
- ASTM D4206 (Sustained Burning Using Small-Scale Open Cup Apparatus)
- ASTM D4289 (Rubber Swell & Hardness Test)
- ASTM D4290 (Leakage Tendency of Automobile Wheel Bearing Grease)
- ASTM D4294 (Sulfur in Crude Analysis by XRF)
- ASTM D4327 (Anions by IC)
- ASTM D4414 (Thickness Measurement)
- ASTM D445 (Viscosity, Kinematic)
- ASTM D4530 (Micro Carbon Residue – MCRT)
- ASTM D4629 (Total Nitrogen)
- ASTM D4636 (Corrosion & Oxidation)
- ASTM D4683 (High Temp, High Shear)
- ASTM D4693 (Low Temperature Torque of Grease Lubricated Wheel Bearings)
- ASTM D471 (Elastomer Compatibility)
- ASTM D473 (Sediment by Extraction)
- ASTM D4737 (Cetane Index Analysis)
- ASTM D4806 Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
- ASTM D4807 (Particulate Contamination of Crude by Filtration)
- ASTM D4809 (Heat of Combustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (BTU) Precision Method)
- ASTM D4814 §5.2.3 (Drivability Index)
- ASTM D4814 Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
- ASTM D4815 (Ethanol & Oxygenates in Gasoline by GC)
- ASTM D482 (Ash Content)
- ASTM D4898 (Particulate Contamination by Filtration)
- ASTM D4929 (Chlorides Analysis in Crude Oil)
- ASTM D4951 (Metals in Lubricating Oils by ICP)
- ASTM D4952 (Doctor Analysis)
- ASTM D5001 (Lubricity Test – BOCLE)
- ASTM D5002 (Specific Gravity)
- ASTM D5006 (Measurement of Antiicing Inhibitors in Aviation Fuel – FSII)
- ASTM D5185 (Metals in Fuel or Oil by ICP)
- ASTM D5188 (Vapor Liquid Ratio)
- ASTM D5191 (Vapor Pressure)
- ASTM D524 (Carbon Residue Ramsbottom)
- ASTM D525 (Oxidation Stability – Induction Period)
- ASTM D5291 (Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen in Petroleum Products & Lubricants)
- ASTM D5306 (Flame Propagation)
- ASTM D5334M (Thermal Conductivity by Probe)
- ASTM D5452 (Particulate Matter)
- ASTM D5453 (Sulfur Content)
- ASTM D5501 (Ethanol, Methanol & Denaturant Content by GC)
- ASTM D56 (Flash Point – Tag Closed Cup)
- ASTM D5621 (Sonic Shear Stability of Hydraulic Fluids)
- ASTM D5623 (Hydrogen Sulfide & Mercaptan Sulfur Analysis in Liquid)
- ASTM D566 (Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease & Petrolatum)
- ASTM D5708A/B (Metals in Crude Oil or Residual Fuels by ICP: Nickel, Vanadium & Iron)
- ASTM D5769 (Benzene, Toluene, Aromatics in Gasoline by GC/MS)
- ASTM D5773 (Cloud Point – Constant Cooling Rate Method)
- ASTM D5798 Standard Specification for Ethanol Fuel Blends for Flexible-Fuel Automotive Spark-Ignition Engines
- ASTM D5845 (Ethanol & Oxygenates in Gasoline by IR Spectroscopy)
- ASTM D5969 (Corrosion Prevention with 5% Synthetic Sea Water)
- ASTM D5972 (Freeze Point of Aviation Fuels Automatic Method)
- ASTM D6045 (Color Saybolt Analysis)
- ASTM D6079 (Lubricity HFRR)
- ASTM D611 (Aniline Point)
- ASTM D6184 (Oil Separation From Lubricating Grease – Conical Sieve Method)
- ASTM D6217 (Particulate Contamination by Filtration)
- ASTM D6258 (Red Dye Content in Diesel by UV-VIS)
- ASTM D6277 (Benzene Analysis by Mid-IR Spectroscopy)
- ASTM D6304A/B (Water Content – Karl Fischer)
- ASTM D6377 (Vapor Pressure of Crude Oil – Expansion Method)
- ASTM D6378 (Vapor Pressure by Triple Expansion Method)
- ASTM D6423 (pH of Ethanol & E85)
- ASTM D6547 (Corrosiveness, Bimetallic Couple)
- ASTM D6560 (Asphaltenes in Crude Oil)
- ASTM D664 (Acid / Neutralization Number by Potentiometric Titration)
- ASTM D665A/B (Corrosion Protection)
- ASTM D6660 (Freeze Point of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Base Engine Coolants by Automatic Phase Transition Method)
- ASTM D6668 (Hot Surface Ignition)
- ASTM D6730 (PIANO Analysis with Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis by GC)
- ASTM D6743 (Thermal Stability of Organic Heat Transfer Fluids)
- ASTM D6751 Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate Fuels
- ASTM D6786 (Particle Count in Mineral Insulating Oil using Automatic Optical Particle Count)
- ASTM D6793 (Bulk Modulus) ASTM D70 (Density of Semi-Solids by Pycnometer)
- ASTM D7039 (Sulfur in Fuel by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Florescence)
- ASTM D7111 (Trace Metals in Middle Distillates by ICP)
- ASTM D7169 (Light ends by GC Distillation)
- ASTM D7303 (Metals in Grease by ICP)
- ASTM D7321 (Particulate Contamination of Biodiesel)
- ASTM D7328 (Sulfate & Chlorides in Ethanol by Ion Chromatography)
- ASTM D7371 (Biodiesel Content in Diesel Fuel by FTIR)
- ASTM D7423 (Oxygenates in C2-C5 Hydrocarbon Matrices by GCFI)
- ASTM D7451 (Water Separation Properties of Light & Middle Distillate, Compression & Spark Ignition Fuels)
- ASTM D7462 (Oxidation Stability of Biodiesel Blends)
- ASTM D7467 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel Blend (B6 to B20)
- ASTM D7501 (Cold Soak Filtration for Biodiesel)
- ASTM D7536 (Chlorine in Aromatics by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry)
- ASTM D7566 Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel Containing Synthesized Hydrocarbons
- ASTM D7619 (Particle Count by APC)
- ASTM D7647 (Particle Count Using Sample Dilution)
- ASTM D7667 (Corrosion Silver Strip)
- ASTM D7687 (Microbial Growth – 1 Day Test – Lumin Ultra)
- ASTM D7691 (Trace Metals in Crude Oil by ICP)
- ASTM D7752 (Compatibility of Hydraulic Fluids IAW ISO 13357-1)
- ASTM D7777 (Density by Handheld Unit)
- ASTM D7795 (Acidity in Ethanol by Titration)
- ASTM D7900 (Determination of Light Hydrocarbons by GC)
- ASTM D7923 (Karl Fischer Water in Ethanol & Hydrocarbon Blends)
- ASTM D7946 (Initial pH of Petroleum Products)
- ASTM D8022 (Roll Stability of Grease In Presence of Water)
- ASTM D808M (Total Halogens)
- ASTM D8252 (Standard Test Method for Vanadium and Nickel in Crude and Residual Oil by X-ray Spectrometry)
- ASTM D847 (Acidity of Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Naphthas, Hydrocarbons)
- ASTM D86 (Distillation Analysis)
- ASTM D873 (Oxidation Stability of Aviation Fuels)
- ASTM D874 (Ash Content Sulfated)
- ASTM D877 (Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Liquids Using Disk Electrodes @ Ambient Temperature)
- ASTM D878 (Inorganic Chlorides and Sulfates in Insulating Oils by titration)
- ASTM D892 (Foam Sequence)
- ASTM D893 (Insoluble Content in Used Lubricating Oils; Toluene & Pentane Insolubles)
- ASTM D91 (Precipitation Point) A
- ASTM D910 (Solids Test)
- ASTM D92 (Flash Point – Cleveland Open Cup)
- ASTM D924 (Dielectric Constant/Dissipation Factor/Power Factor)
- ASTM D93 (Flash Point – Pensky-Martens)
- ASTM D937 (Cone Penetration of Petrolatum – Includes 3 Determinations per Method)
- ASTM D938 (Congealing Point of Pharmaceutical Petrolatum)
- ASTM D942 (Oxidation Stability of Grease)
- ASTM D95 (Water by Distillation in Petroleum Products & Bituminous Materials)
- ASTM D97 (Pour Point)
- ASTM D971 (Interfacial Tension – Oil Against Water by DuNuoy Tensiometer)
- ASTM D972 (Evaporative Loss)
- ASTM D974 (Acid / Base Number by Color Indicator Titration)
- ASTM D975 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel
- ASTM D976 (Cetane Index Analysis)
- ASTM E1064 (Water Content – Karl Fischer – Ethanol)
- ASTM E203 (Water Content – Karl Fischer – Volumetric)
- ASTM E2412 (FTIR Scan)
- ASTM E659 (Autoignition Temperature)
- ASTM E70 (pH)
- ASTM F1110-2 (Sandwich Corrosion)
- ASTM F483 (Total Immersion Corrosion – Single Metal)
- ASTM F945 (Stress-Corrosion of Titanium Alloy – AMS 4911 & AMS 4919)
- Def Stan 05-50 (Part 61) Method 6 (Hydrolytic Stability)
- Diesel Fuel Analysis for DEF contamination
- DIN 51554 (Susceptibility of Ageing – Baader Test)
- EN 14538 (Calcium & Magnesium in Biodiesel by ICP)
- EN 14538 (Potassium & Sodium in Biodiesel by ICP)
- EN 15751 (Oxidation Stability Biodiesel)
- FTM 3005 (Dirt Count of Grease)
- FTM 3007 (Water Displacement & Water Stability – Includes Oil & Oil-Water Emulsion Test Panels)
- FTM 3009 (Particle Contamination)
- FTM 3010 (Sediment & Ash)
- FTM 3012 (Particle Count)
- FTM 3013 (Particulate Contamination – 3 um Filter)
- FTM 313 (Grease Penetration After Prolonged Working)
- FTM 321 (Oil Separation)
- FTM 3213 (Static Foaming)
- FTM 3403 (Compatibility of Turbine Lubricating Oils)
- FTM 3411 (Thermal Stability & Corrosivity)
- FTM 3432 (Elastomer Compatibility – AMS 3217/4)
- FTM 3433 (Elastomer Compatibility – Silicone)
- FTM 3457 (Hydrolytic Stability)
- FTM 3458 (Low Temperature Stability)
- FTM 3465 (Storage Stability)
- FTM 3467 (Storage Stability of Lubricating Grease)
- FTM 350 (Evaporative Loss)
- FTM 352 (Wick Ignition)
- FTM 3603 (Elastomer Compatibility – AMS 3217/2)
- FTM 3604 (Elastomer Compatibility)
- FTM 5003 (Deposition Test – WADC)
- FTM 5305 (Corrosiveness of Lubricants)
- FTM 5307 (Corrosion & Oxidation of Aircraft Turbine Lubricants)
- FTM 5308 (Corrosion & Oxidation Stability of Light Oils)
- FTM 5309 (Copper Strip Corrosion, Grease)
- FTM 5321 (Corrosion, Lead (SOD))
- FTM 5329 (Rust Protection, Humidity Cabinet)
- FTM 5414 (Resistance of Grease to Fuel)
- FTM 5415 (Grease Solubility)
- FTM 6052 (High Temperature High Pressure Spray Ignition)
- FTM 6053 (Manifold Ignition)
- FTM 7501 (Low Temperature Torque)
- FTM 7502 (Soil Cleaning Test)
- High Temperature Deposition Test (HTDT)
- IEC 60156 (Insulating Liquids measurement of breakdown voltage)
- IEC 60247 (Insulating Liquids measurement of relative permittivity, dielectric dissipation factor and d.c. resistivity – per temperature )
- IP 19 (Steam Emulsion – Lubricating Oils – Includes Duplicate Run)
- IP 280 (Oxidation Stability – CIGRE)
- IP 313 (Air Release Properties)
- ISO 13357 (Filterability of Lubricating Oils with Water)
- ISO 4406
- ISO 11500
- MIL-PRF-14107 (Lubricating Oil, Weapons, Low Temperature)
- MIL-PRF-16173 (Corrosion Preventive Compound, Solvent Cutback, Cold-Application)
- MIL-DTL-17111 (Fluid, Power Transmission)
- MIL-PRF-17331 (Lubricating Oil, Steam Turbine and Gear, Moderate Service)
- MIL-PRF-21260 (Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Preservative Break-In)
- MIL-H-22072 (Hydraulic Fluid, Catapult, NATO Code Number H-579)
- MIL-PRF-23236 (Coating Systems for Ship Structures)
- MIL-PRF-23699 (Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic Base, NATO Code Numbers: O-152, O-154, O-156, and O-167)
- MIL-PRF-23827 (Grease, Aircraft and Instrument, Gear and Actuator Screw)
- MIL-PRF-24385 (Fire Extinguishing Agent, Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Liquid Concentrate, for Fresh and Sea Water)
- MIL-PRF-25017 (Inhibitor, Corrosion/Lubricity Improver, Fuel Soluble (NATO S-1747))
- MIL-DTL-25576 (Propellant, Rocket Grade Kerosene)
- MIL-PRF-27617 (Grease, Aircraft and Instrument, Fuel and Oxidizer Resistant)
- MIL-PRF-3150 (Lubricating Oil, Preservative, Medium)
- MIL-PRF-32033 (Lubricating Oil, General Purpose, Preservative (Water-Displacing, Low Temperature))
- MIL-PRF-372 (Cleaning Compound, Solvent (For Bore of Weapons))
- MIL-PRF-46170 (Hydraulic Fluid, Rust Inhibited, Fire Resistant, Synthetic Hydrocarbon Base, NATO Code No. H-544)
- MIL-PRF-46176 (Brake Fluid, Silicone, Automotive, All-Weather, Operational and Preservative)
- MIL-PRF-5606 (Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base; Aircraft, Missile, and Ordnance)
- MIL-PRF-63460 (Cleaner, Lubricant, and Preservative for Weapons and Weapon Systems)
- MIL-PRF-680 (Degreasing Solvent)
- MIL-PRF-7024 (Calibrating Fluids, Aircraft Fuel System Components)
- MIL-PRF-7808 (Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic Base)
- MIL-B-81744 (Barrier Coating Solution, Lubricant Migration Deterring)
- MIL-PRF-8188 (Corrosion-Preventive, Aircraft Turbine Engine, Synthetic Base)
- MIL-PRF-83282 (Hydraulic Fluid, Fire Resistant, Synthetic Hydrocarbon Base, Metric, NATO Code Number H-537)
- MIL-PRF-83936 (Remover, Paint, Tank Type; for Aircraft Wheels, Landing Gear Components, and Other Aircraft and Support Equipment)
- MIL-PRF-85336 (Lubricant, All-Weather, (Automatic Weapons))
- MIL-PRF-87252 (Coolant Fluid, Hydrolytically Stable, Dielectric)
- MIL-PRF-87257 (Hydraulic Fluid, Fire Resistant; Low Temperature, Synthetic Hydrocarbon Base, Aircraft and Missile)
- NAS 1613 (EPDM Elastomer – Full Specification – Per Elastomer)
- NAS 1638 (Particle Count)
- SAE ARP5996 (HLPS Dynamic Coking)
- SAE ARP6179 (Lubricant Compatibility with O-Rings)
- SAE ARP6223 (Oil Carbon Particulate Test)
- SAE AS1241 Fire Resistant Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluid for Aircraft
- SAE AS4059 (Particulate Cleanliness in Hydraulic Fluid)
- SAE AS5780 Specification for Aero and Aero-Derived Gas Turbine Engine Lubricants
- TM-01-72 (NACE Analysis, Corrosion)
- UN L.2 (Sustained Combustion Test)
- UOP 163 (Hydrogen Sulfide Analysis in Liquid)
- UOP 375 (Characterization (K) Factor, Molecular Weight – Includes ASTM D86 & ASTM D4052)
- Insurance Industry test package (Includes limited quantity exception shipping kit, overnight shipping of sample shipping kit, analysis for contamination, case narrative and reporting)
- Sample Shipping Kits
Corporate Headquarters
24 Waterway Ave. Ste. 375
The Woodlands, TX 77356